Effective Performance Management in Corporate Organisations


People Management problems in the workplace are usually highly controversial, sensitive and require immediate intervention. The most challenging part of being a manager is undoubtedly how to effectively manage people and not the increased workload, or the increased accountability. People Management is a core management competency skill that needs to be acquired, practiced and continually revisited. To ensure your staff remain productive, diligent and motivated, you need to learn the critical skills to managing people confidently and sensitively. This intensive 2-day programme is packed with essential management techniques to assist you and your colleagues gain your staff’s respect and buy-in the approval of senior management, and help you solve people-related problems quickly, sensitively and professionally – without having to always resort to formal disciplinary measures even for the most awkward or challenging people management situations.

This highly practical and interactive two-day course will provide you and your colleagues with the following vital people management skills:

  • Assessing the various ways of successfully managing people and finding the method most suited to you and your staff
  • Discovering ways of raising sensitive topics in informal meetings to ensure your staff understands and commits to improvement
  • Knowing when an informal meeting is not going to achieve results and where to go from there
  • Training yourself to deal with awkward situations as soon as they arise and not waiting until they get out of control
  • Using techniques to discipline your staff in a manner that not only corrects their behavior, but also motivates them
  • Communicating effectively with your staff by clearly stating your requirements and listening carefully to complaints and suggestions
  • Constantly re-looking and monitoring the way you manage to ensure you are not drifting into bad management habits

Who Should Attend

This course is highly recommended for all managers, supervisors and team leaders who manage people in the workplace.


February 5, 2024 – February 6, 2024